How To Be Rich and Die Happy

An Indian milkman who is dying in the hospital is surrounded by his two sons, daughter, his wife and nurse.
Says to his eldest son:

[•] To you, Shankar, I leave the Beverly houses.

[•] To you, my dear daughter Pooja, I leave the apartments in the Los Angeles Plaza.   

[•] To you, Akash, being my youngest son with a large future, I leave the City Center offices. 

[•] And you, my dear wife Punam, the three residential building towers in downtown.

The nurse, impressed, tells his wife: Madam, your husband is very rich. He is bequeathing many properties !
You all are so lucky !!! 

And the wife retorts:    Rich ???
Lucky ??? Are you kidding me !!!??? Those are his routes where he delivers milk !!!

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